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Spacey Ship

School Project
Collaborative Game Project

This here's something I worked back in 2017 when I was a teenager with my brother and a few other students. Made with Digipen's Zero Engine. While it's a solid project, I'd be lying if I said it was the firmest.

While I could blame Zero Engine honestly being a bit inadequate in quite a few areas (lacking things such as skinned mesh support), it still wasn't managed as great as it possibly could have, being created by a bunch of teenagers and all. While it isn't truly reflective of the current skills that I (or my former team members) possess, it is one of the few things I'm able to show off in my portfolio, hence why I've decided to showcase it.

Here are a few clips of it:

In the first part we just have the player deal with a few rocks.

Then, we have the player actually face off against some aliens.

After the second level, we introduce a bit of an artstyle shift.

Then, after that level, we then have the player face off against the final boss.

Despite this boss having neat presentation... it's actually not very well designed.
Fortunately, there's an easy way to just completely cheese it.

And yeah, that's Spacey Ship. Not the best, but certainly not the worst either.
It definitely shows in some parts that it was made by a bunch of teenagers.

Credits: Ethan Oliva, Connor Nakada, Reagan Sherwood, Cameron Sherwood, and Trent E. Sweeney.